Monday 4 April 2016

Ubuntu to Run on Windows

Ubuntu will be running in the next major Windows 10 update. Ubuntu parent company Canonical and Microsoft will be running it not on Linux in a container or virtual machine (VM), but on Windows native libraries and programs: Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). 

WSL was quietly placed in the Windows 10 (build 14251) code in late January. A few days later, a developer worked out that two new subsystems lxcore.sys and lxss.sys, could be bridges for Windows programmers to develop Linux applications. WSL can be used for that, but its first job is to support an Ubuntu user-mode image. A Microsoft spokesperson explained, "We built new infrastructure within Windows, WSL, upon which we run a genuine Ubuntu user-mode image provided by our great partners over at Canonical, creators of Ubuntu Linux. The result is that you can now run native Bash on Ubuntu on Windows."

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