Monday 4 April 2016

Use Kaspersky Solutions to Prevent and Protect Your Business from Malware Threats

Following the escalating level of malware threats, the Enterprise Sales Manager of Africa, Kaspersky Lab Mr Nilesh Jivraj has said that businesses must be protected with threat intelligence solutions offered by Kaspersky lab.

Speaking to prospective enterprise clients recently in Lagos at a forum organised by Zenith Technology to showcase Kaspersky lab solutions, Jivraj told the gathering that every business no mater the size is at risk of virus attack and such, Kaspersky Lab offers many security solutions to deal with these threats. According to him, end point control, device control, web control, and application control are some of the beneficial features available with Kaspersky. 

Given the fact that proactive data protection and compliance is a global imperative, he explained that Kaspersky Labs encryption technology protects valuable data from accidental loss, device theft and targeted malware attacks. By combining strong encryption technology with Kaspersky Lab solutions, he assured that integrated platform protects data at rest and in motion. With new threats increasing by the day as a result of evolving technology, he said that new malware targeting organizations now exceeds 325,000 unique threats everyday. “At Kaspersky Lab, we are concerned about these threats and the risk they pose to your business. That is why we are urging businesses to ensure that their IT security strategy meet three criteria including superior threat intelligence, tools and techniques to detect and eliminate known, unknown and advanced malware, and reach across physical, mobile and virtual endpoints seamlessly and efficiently through a single platform, with no software conflicts multiple consoles or security gaps. 

Harnessing the expertise of the worlds best threat intelligence ecosystem, Kaspersky security for business, he explained provides a tiered security approach based on a single integrated platform control tools, data encryption, mobile endpoint security and systems and patch management. According to him, Kaspersky security intelligence services and enterprise solutions leverage Kaspersky,s threat intelligence, technical expertise, data and training skills to boost the security of business. Enterprise users speak giving testimony of Kaspersky solutions, some of the clients including Lagos State University, Robert Johnson Technology, EuroMega Nigeria Limited, VDT Communications among others testified that solutions from Kaspersky have not disappointed them after deployment. For Mr Asaiyanbi Babatunde, Head, Hardware Department of Lagos State University, Kaspersky security solutions have been supportive since 2008 when the University deployed. “We have not had any disappointment since 2008. There has never been delay in response from Kaspersky when it comes to protection from new and emerging threats”and we look forward to working with Zenith Technology to ensure the continued protection of the school’s network with Kaspersky. , he said.

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